Thursday, March 21, 2013


Location: behind one of the bungalows
Problems: location
This was the best picture because the lines on the wall make the picture more dimentional and I thought that looked better than all the other ones. I think it could be better if that fence wasn't in the background.

Location: infront when exiting the 200 building
Problems: posing
I thought this was the best picture becuase I like how he was posed and also some of the other pictures didn't look as good because of the lighting. It could be improved if maybe the background was blurred out so he could be the main focal point.
 Location: sidewalk by the Q hut
Problems: facing the sun
I like this picture the best because it shows his facial expression and in some of the other pictures there wasnt any eye to camera connection. I think it's a little too bright becuase of the sun.  
Location: sidewalk by the Q hut
Problems: facing the sun
I also liked this picture because of the body possition it demonstrates the task.
I think it could be improved if we weren't facing directly at the sun.
Location:grass in the middle of the courtyard
Problems: lighting
I liked this picture the most because of the photo angle to the side.
It could be improved by maybe moving the camera up or down to make it more interesting.

Location: grass in the middle of the courtyard
Problems: lighting 
 I lilked this picture becuase his eyes were looking at the camera.
It could be better if maybe Icroped it more.
Location: side of the library
Problems: skill
I really liked this picture because it looks really cool since the hat is on the tip of his finger.
It could of been better if it was taken from an angle in which his face would of been showing.

Location: infront of administration
Problems: camera settings
 This was the best picture because the other ones had really annoying backgrounds and you couldn't really find the ball.
The original picture was actually really really dark and I had to brighten it up alot so if I were to have taken it better it would look better.

Location: infont of the student store
Problems: creativity
I thought this was the best picuture because it's alot more interesting than all the other ones, I like their face expresions.
I could be better if maybe they were jumping in the air or something.
Location: in the girls bathroom by the library
Problems: posing
This was the best picture becuase it's funny and it makes you want to know what was going on.
It could of been better if there was a girl coming out of the bathroom lol.

What was actually really hard was trying to get good lighting because you can't be in the dark and the background with light and then when you are in the light you have to facing the sun so there won't be shadows but then you have weird face expressions cause it's hard when you're staring at the sun. I guess we tried to just face the sun and tell the model when to open their eyes.
I think I'm alot more aware when taking a picture because you have to pay attention to all these different factors or else you have a boring picture. But I think it's hard to memorize all the settings when you want to take a certain type of picture. But I've certainly learned alot becase I didn't even know there were all these different ways to take a picture.
I think I'd like to learn anything at this point becuase you can always incorporate it to your every day life.