Thursday, December 20, 2012


One Person Walking
This picture was taken infront of the 2 building. With this picture I had problems getting the face in focus. I choose this picture because it was one of the few in which Carlo's face actually came out in the frame. For this picture I was trying to use a low shutter speed around 1/20sec. This picture could be improved by having more panning than actual blur.

One Person Running
This picture was taken infront of the 2 building as well. It was kinda difficult because I couldn't find the right shutterspeed to get the background blurred correctly. I picked this picture because again his face, it came out really focus and that's what I was trying to capture. For this picture I was also trying a low shutter speed. It could be improved maybe by getting better lighting.

Multiple People Running
This picture was also taken infront of the 2 building. Again with the backgrond, it came out more blurry than actual streeks. I picked this picture because it looks good, one person is in focus and the action looks good with the panning. In this picture I was trying a higher shutter speed around 1/50sec. It could be improved by having a more dramatic panning for the backgrund.

 Vehicle Moving
I took this picture infront of the teacher's parking lot. This picture was hard to capture because the car was moving to fast and at the same time I was trying to get the camera to focus. This was also a good representation because Mr.Pederson is in focus and the angle makes the picture look more interesting. For this picture I was trying to get a fast shutter speed in which the car would show up in the frame. I think it could be improve by having better panning.

Vehicle Moving #2
I took this picture infront of the teacher's parking lot as well. Also I had trouble capturing the entire car in the frame. I thought this was the best representation of the skill because it's probly the best picture I took where the panning showed up well. For this picture I was just trying to capture light into the picture because it was really cloudy that day. It could be improved by maybe getting a better angle.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Shutter Speed Exercises

I took this picture infront of the couseling office.
A problem I had before I took this picture was the light settings, the picture taken before this one was almost completely black.  This picture was the best representation because the action was caugth right in the middle of the air and its completely in focus. The setting that was wrong with the previous picture was that the shutter speed was really low 1/2000 sec. compared to this one which is 1/320 sec. I think this picture could be improved if it had a better background.

In this picture I was ontop of the grass infront of the administration building. This picture was kinda difficult because the car wasn't going quite fast enough. This picture is the best representation because the action is in focus. With this shot I had problems catching a good angle since the action is moving as your shooting. This picture could be improved by having a better angle.

I took this picture infront of the Media center. This picture was really hard to capture because the leaves were falling too fast and there wasn't any time to actually take the picture. This is the best representation since the action is spontanious. For this picture we basically had to change every possible setting because the leaves weren't being captured in the frames. This picture could be improved by not having things in the background that blend in with the object.

This picture was taken infront of the water fountain on the side of the Media center. It was hard to take because the sun in the background wasn't allowing anything in the foreground to look like it's in focus because it's really bright and over exposed. I thought this was the best representation because of the motions blurryness and the shadow kinda create this depth of field. For this shot it was really hard to make the background focused. This picture could be improved by getting the whole subject in the frame.

This picture was taken in between the 2 building and the student store. For this picture just the object itself was hard to capture because we were shaking the tree and we were trying not to capture the person inside of the frame.  This is the best representation because the motion is blured and it looks really cool since its a plant and they dont really move on their own.This picture was actually quite hard to get because the camera wouldn't focus on the focal point and so we had to get the hang of holding down the shutter. This picture could be improved by having the background really crisp.