Tuesday, October 23, 2012



I think this picture works because the tunnel itself is the frame and the end of it is the central point. I took this picture upclose but from an angle so I could capture the depth.
This picture works because the Puma symbol is in a bright color so it pops and also everything else for the most part is blury and the Puma is in focus. I took this picture by grabbing my necklace and making that the frame.

I think this picture works because half the leaf has actual color and the rest of the picture is washed out. When I took this picture my intention was to make the dead part of the leaf the frame for the colored part of the leaf.
    I think this picture works because there are layers within the leaves. I took this picture from above to capture the bottom leaves in between the top layer.

    I really like this picture because there's alot to look at. I took this picture by trying to capture the hallway in between the window frame. And I also liked the color scheme in between my shadow.

    I like this picture because of the colors, it's kinda blurry but I liked that because I thought it created sort of a candle light effect. I took this by trying to capture the walls.

     This assigment was challenging because there wasn't anything to make your central point at the end of the frame. I over came this by using the frame itself as a point.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I think this picture works because it shows the repetition of the subject very well. I tried to move at an angle in which I would be able to capture all of the windows in the shot. I think it looks nice because the colors and the reflection from the windows.

This picture works because there's alot of the little patterns. I tried to take the picture from an angle down low so I could capture the sunlight in the background. I think it's successful because of the leading lines within the pattern itself.

This picture works because there's a pattern in the colors. I tried to take the picture so it looked like I was somewhat inside the bush. I think  it came out successful because the colors compliment each other.

This picture works because there's a pattern in the little flower things. When I took this picture I tried to capture the shadow in the background because I really liked that. I think it looks nice because the flowers are really bright.

I liked this picture because of the angle but it came out blurry in the front, I could improve it by putting the camera in focus.

 I think this picture demostrates that im doing well in rule of thirds and leading lines. I liked this picture because its interesting and nobody ever looks a waterfountain from this point of view.  

Monday, October 8, 2012




This is probly my strongest shot because all the lines lead towards the object and its mainly the only color so it pops, and its in focus so it looks nice since the front of the picture is blurry it creates a depth of feel.


I used rule of thirds for this picture, it effects the picture because it draws attention to the wheel which then creates a scene. I took this picture from below so i could capture the wheel and the whale.

I thought I needed to improve this picture because its out of focus and i think that if it would of been in focus the feeling of the picture would change and grab more attention towards the object.
The most challenging thing would probly be finding things to relate the object with so it kind of makes sence with why your taking the picture.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



For this picture I tried to take the shot from the lowest angle possible which didn't really work out because this plant was super small. I was going for a straight line from the stem leading up to the leaf.

I think this is the strongest for a vertical line because it draws your eye straight foward, even though there are other lines intersecting with it.


I like this diagonal line because the palm tree trunk looks really cool from this angle and it draws your eye up which also goes with the angle.

For this picture I tried tilting the camera, I was trying to create depth.


I think this picture is the strongest for a horizontal line because the light is really bright and it kinda just keeps your focus there.

The most challenging thing was finding what to photograph since we had to stay within the school.
I think if we got a chance to go outside of school on a field trip or something it would be more exciting.
And I could improve by finding different ways to take pictures.