Wednesday, September 26, 2012

For this picture i changed the color contrast so the picture changed colors and i played around with the levels.

I don't remember quite what I did but I think I changed the contrast and brightened the picture; I didn't change it a whole lot.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Rule of Thirds

I think this picture best fits the best description for the rule of thirds because the ladybug is dead centered on the axis of where the lines whould be. Also after looking at the ladybug since its bright red you eyes drifts to the background and you notice its blurry your attention goes straight back to the ladybug.


Use of Lines


This picture really shows the use of lines because your eyes go straight into the tunnel, it almost seems realistic.

Fill the Frame

I like this picture for fill the frame because its completely filled and theres only one subject going into play.

Friday, September 7, 2012

  • This picture is adorable, I love cats. If you look at their face exprecions the left kitty is like, "What was that?!" and the right kitty is like, " Dudeeee you're too close here". They look fake because they're so fluffy.
  • I like this picture because it shows movement. It has a color scheme. And it shows how awsome a bird looks flying.
  •  I picked this picture because this is my favorite artist, this is Michael Angelakos from Passion Pit. The light movement shows character. It's like seeing the music dance. I like his face expression, it shows he's really into what he's doing.

  • Okay this is just how awsome the world is. This is a picture of an island rock thing in Thailand. I like how it's just in the middle of nowhere without place. And how ironicly people are just on the beach tanning infront of it.
  • I picked this picture because Sunflowers are my favorite flowers. I like the brightness of it all.  Also all the little details since it's really close up. I found that on one of the leaves in the far left in the center there's a little green bug climbing up.
Photo: Underwater close-up of a parrotfish 
  •  This is a picture from National Geographic, this is a Parrotfish. I like the brightness and how you can see the sunlight hitting the rocks. I picked this picture because the Parrotfish is extremely colorful and the background's just settle.